BIC Innovation 109 in 2017

BIC Innovation 109 in 2017

Congratulations to the THP Department of IPB, which has successfully entered the BIC Innovation 109 in 2017. THP contributed 8 innovations and became the Department with the most innovations in IPB. Congratulations to;
1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurjanah, MS and team for the 3 selected innovations.
2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Purwaningsih, MS and team
3. Dr. Ir. Wini Trilaksani, M.Sc and team
4. Dr. Desniar, S.Pi., M.Si and team
5. Dr. Mala Nurilmala, S.Pi, M.Si and team.
6. Dr.rer.nat Asadatun Abdullah S.PI, M.S.M, M.Si and team with 1 innovation each.

Congratulations on making IPB remain a university with the most prospective innovation trends every year