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make history

The establishment of the Department of Aquatic Products Technology (THP), started from the Fish Technology Division, the Department of Fishery Production Management under the auspices of the Faculty of Fisheries, IPB which was established on September 1, 1963. This section then continued to grow, until in 1985 it was declared the Department of Fishery Products Processing ( PHP) which takes care of the Fishery Products Technology Study Program with the stipulation of a Decree (SK) of the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) of the Republic of Indonesia No. 0110/0/1985.

In line with the change in the status of IPB to a State-Owned Legal Entity (BHMN) based on PP No. 154 of 2000, IPB implemented one of its policies, namely the arrangement of departments within the Bogor Agricultural Institute. One of the objectives of the arrangement is to respond to the demands of the community for IPB graduates so that they are not too generalist but also not over specialist. The arrangement is also intended to avoid duplication between study programs and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the tri dharma of higher education. Along with this arrangement. Processing Department The Department of Fishery Products Processing (PHP) which oversees the Fishery Products Technology Study Program, is designated as one of the different departments among 36 other departments so that it is maintained to continue its activities as an independent department with the new name Department of Aquatic Products Technology (THP) under the coordination of the Faculty Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK). These changes and stipulations are based on the Decree of the Chancellor of the Bogor Agricultural Institute No. 001/K13/PP/2005. Until now the THP Department has been accredited.

Since its establishment as the Fisheries Product Processing Department (PHP) in 1985, the THP Department has been carrying out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education for more than 20 years and has produced alumni of more than 1200 scholars and professions in various fields such as the private sector, researchers, lecturers and civil servants. both regionally and centrally.