About THP Master
Study Program

The Masters Study Program in Aquatic Products Technology under the auspices of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK IPB) produces graduates with research insights in the field of Aquatic Products Technology as a continuation of the undergraduate level in Aquatic Products Technology. PS MTHP lectures are held in the morning and afternoon. PS MTHP emphasizes the integration between postgraduate education and research activities. Students are expected to be actively involved in research at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. The PS MTHP curriculum is structured in such a way that students have the opportunity to gain broad knowledge and research experience in the field of Aquatic Products Technology. Course choices are given so that students can arrange their educational programs according to their research interests.

Vision, Mission, and Objectives

Producing postgraduate (S-2) graduates who are able to develop science and technology as well as art in the field of aquatic product processing through various research and implementation of innovative and effective products and technologies.


The curriculum is designed based on a major system of supporting courses (supporting course, SC) with major expertise in Aquatic Product Technology. The research topics are directed to include exploration and exploitation of non-fish and fish aquatic biological resources. The deepening of expertise is carried out through supporting or minor courses and research (Thesis).​

Semester 1

Semester 2

Mata Kuliah Pilihan

Kompetensi Lulusan

KL Program Studi Magister Teknologi Industri Hasil Perikanan adalah lulusan diharapkan mampu mengembangkan ilmu dan teknologi di bidang karakterisasi, penanganan dan transportasi bahan baku, bioteknologi, serta pengolahan hasil perairan.

Staf Pengajar

  • Dr. Ir. Agoes M. Jacoeb, Dipl-Biol.
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Linawati, MS
  • Dr. Ir. Bustami Ibrahim, M. Sc
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurjanah, MS
  • Dr. Ir. Iriani Setyaningsih, MS
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Joko Santoso, M.Si
  • Dr.rer.nat. Kustiariyah, S.Pi., M.Si.
  • Dr. Dra. Pipih Suptijah, MBA
  • Dr. Ir. Ruddy Suwandi, MS, M. Phil
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Purwaningsih, M. Si
  • Prof. Dr. Sugeng Heri Suseno, SPi, MSi
  • Prof. Dr. Tati Nurhayati, S.Pi, M.Si
  • Dr. Ir. Wini Trilaksani, M. Sc
  • Dr.Eng. Uju, S.Pi, M.Si.
  • Dr. Desniar, S.Pi, M.Si.
  • Dr. Mala Nurilmala, S.Pi., M.Si.
  • Dr.rer.nat. Asadatun Abdullah, S.Pi., M.S.M., M.Si.