Tentang THP
We Love to Make History
Sejarah THP
Berdirinya Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Perairan (THP), berawal dari Bagian Teknologi Perikanan, Jurusan Manajemen Produksi Perikanan yang berada di bawah naungan Fakultas Perikanan, IPB yang berdiri pada tanggal 1 September 1963. Bagian ini kemudian terus berkembang, hingga pada tahun 1985 ditetapkan Jurusan Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan (PHP) yang membawahi Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan dengan ditetapkannya Surat Keputusan (SK) Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) Republik Indonesia No. 0110/0/1985.
Latar Belakang
Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Perairan merupakan salah satu jurusan di Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) yang berstatus sebagai Perguruan Tinggi Negeri BHMN yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Perairan, di tingkat nasional maupun internasional, memiliki peran yang penting dan strategis.
Departemen Teknologi Hasil Perairan melaksanakan dan mengembangkan pendidikan dan penelitian dalam penanganan dan pengolahan sumber daya hayati perairan yang melimpah. Hal ini sangat beralasan mengingat Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara utama yang tergabung dalam Coral Reef Triangle Initiative. Kondisi ini menempatkan Indonesia pada urutan pertama negara dengan keanekaragaman hayati laut yang melimpah.
Departemen Teknologi Hasil Perairan bergerak dalam bidang penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk penanganan dan karakterisasi bahan baku, bioteknologi, teknologi pengolahan, serta pengembangan produk perairan yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan.
- Excellence in education and research
THP is a modern and innovative department that offers a choice of academic programs in applying science and technology of handling and characterizing raw materials, biotechnology, processing technology and development of environmentally friendly and sustainable aquatic industrial products that are relevant to market needs, with the aim of helping students succeed in their careers. their choices and use the knowledge they gain to address some of the greatest challenges of our time.
- International Certified
Since 2016, THP has received AUN-QA certification as a guarantee of the quality of its education with international standards (with minimum regional standards, ASEAN).
- Accredited A “Excellent” by BAN-PT
The THP Department has been accredited A for undergraduate and postgraduate programs with excellent educational quality.
- Innovative Courses
The research of THP lecturers is always included in the list of 100+ most prospective research studies in Indonesia (Business Innovation Center (BIC) – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education). In addition, THP students have become the most innovative students with the proposed Student Creativity Program (PKM) (the most in IPB) and are funded the most annually by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education since 2002.
- Trendsetter in the Field of Aquatic Products Technology in Indonesia
THP IPB is one of the first fisheries processing technology departments in Indonesia, being a pioneer in the field of education, curriculum standards reference, technology development and fisheries industry in Indonesia, as well as continuously developing biotechnology and bioenergy products from marine products.
- A Place for Outstanding Students
THP students play an active role in scientific activities and win various competitions including the National Student Scientific Week, Selection of Indonesian Teenagers Researchers and other prestigious National and International events.
- Best Lecturer Quality
As many as 26% of lecturers are professors and 73% of lecturers have doctoral degrees (the number of professors is above the national average).
- Most Prospective Graduates
In line with the Government’s policy in developing Indonesia as a maritime country, the need for the fishing industry and related fields for THP graduates is increasing. Survey 2010-2015, the waiting period for THP graduates is 2.73 months with wide job opportunities and able to compete in the world of work, especially in the Indonesian Fisheries and Marine Industry. Every year, 26.2% of graduates are able to get scholarships to continue their postgraduate education at prestigious universities at home and abroad.