Ayu Rahaweman, THP IPB Graduate with GPA 4.00
Ayu Christien Rahaweman is currently the only woman from Maluku who is able to become the very best in this most prestigious institute in Indonesia. Graduated as the best from the Bogor Agricultural Institute, she is now continuing her studies in Germany. Entering IPB with a summa cum laude predicate of 4.00 for her master’s degree. Hopefully her studies will go smoothly and be able to provide the greatest benefits for Indonesia.
Ayu completed her Master’s program in THP by taking up the research theme of Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Molds of Seaweed, and Isolation of Active Fractions. After graduating from the Master’s Program in Aquatic Product Technology of IPB with a Summa Cum laude Achievement Index of 4.00, Ayu successfully obtained another DAAD scholarship for her doctoral program.
I personally express my deepest gratitude to all of you for your support, prayers, and congratulations.
I apologize for not being able to reply one by one.
Thank you for everything.
May we all always be blessed by God. Success and enthusiasm for all of us.
Best regards,
Ayu R.
Always success for Ayu.
article : http://ambonekspres.fajar.co.id/2017/05/31/ayu-rahaweman-jebolan-ipb-dengan-ip-400/