THP FPIK IPB Enlivens World Mangrove Day in Banten Which Will Be Attended by the President of the Republic of Indonesia
Department of Aquatic Product Technology, FPIK IPB in the Marine Product Exhibition Activity organized by the Navy (AL), …
Mrs. Wini and Mrs. Asadatun – THP Lecturers Receive Awards as Best Presenters at National Seminar
Congratulations to Dr. Ir. Wini Trilaksani, M.Sc. in class THP B and Dr.rer.nat. in class THP C who …
MBKM Industrial Internship Program Scholarship 20 Credits
INDUSTRIAL INTERNSHIP 20 CREDITS This internship program will be carried out at DUDI partners. Topic: Seafood Industry 4.0 …
Initiation Visit of Industrial Partner, CV Bio Chitosan Indonesia, Cirebon, West Java
Industrial Partner Initiation Visit, CV Bio Chitosan Indonesia, Cirebon, West Java – The Industrial Partner Initiation Visit is …
Fauzan Farand, Alumni of THP Class of 53, Passes TNI Pa PK Selection in Magelang
Fauzan Farand, an alumnus of THP (Department of Aquatic Product Technology) Faculty of Fisheries IPB University class of …
Listiani S.Pi Becomes the Best Graduate of THP and the Best Graduate of FPIK IPB University
Listiani S.Pi Becomes the Best Graduate of THP and the Best FPIK IPB University at the third graduation …