Hirmen Syofyanto
Hirmen Syofyanto
THP Alumni Batch 31
Guidance from Mr. Ir. Abu Bakasr Assik M.Si, and Mrs. Ir Anna C.Erungan M.Si.
Currently the Program Director of the Marine Stewardship Council in Indonesia, an international institution based in London, England in helping to strengthen sustainable fisheries management standards worldwide.
More than 15 years of experience in sustainable fisheries development, climate change, community development and governance in strengthening institutions, strategic support, capacity, and supporting policies. Has been involved and collaborated with various stakeholders at the national and international levels in developing Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara; Berau Marine Conservation Area, East Kalimantan; Sawu Sea National Park, East Nusa Tenggara; Lesser Sunda Sustainable Fisheries Initiative for Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara; and Crab Fisheries Management in the Java Sea. Hirmen together with local communities, supply chains, private sector, government, non-governmental organizations, academics and research institutions actively implement fisheries resource management solutions in Indonesia.
Hirmen is also experienced in capacity building, stakeholder engagement, technical and policy support for decision makers and communities and advancing resilient networks. Hirmen is also active in assisting local governments and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in efforts to conserve and manage sustainable fisheries resources.
Hirmen has studied at the University of Kent, Canterbury, England in the field of resource management and education and a Fellowship Program at Duke University, North Carolina, United States for marine management policy. Hirmen is a recipient of an award from the United States government for the International Visitor Leadership Program for Protecting Coastal and Marine Environment and Leadership and Management from the Chevron Management Institute San Ramon California.