Seaweed Rice Prevents Diabetes with Persada Purnawira Halim in Jakarta
Prof. Sri Purwaningsih at Excecutive Club Persada Purnawira Halim, Jakarta The pre-diabetes program with seaweed rice is a …
Pemetaan Sebaran Unit pengolahan Ikan dan volume produk olahan hasil perikanan skala mikro dan Kecil Indonesia
Distribution study of Fish Processing Units number and its processed products value from Indonesian micro and small scale …
Pengembangan Virgin Fish Oil Mata Tuna Kaya Omega-3
Development of Virgin Fish Oil-Essential Fatty Acid Tuna Fish Eye Kegiatan penelitian Pengembangan virgin fish oil dari mata …
Studi Kelayakan Pembangunan Sentra Industri Pengolahan Produk Perikanan Di Kabupaten Natuna
Feasibility Study of Development of Fisheries Product Processing Industry Center in Natuna Regency The Feasibility Study for the …
Guest Lecture : Metabolomic of Marine Fungi
HP-IPB presents our upcoming event, an international guest lecture featuring the theme of “Metabolomic of Marine Fungi” with …
GUEST LECTURE: Exploring The Ocean for Marine Drugs Development
[GUEST LECTURE: Exploring The Ocean for Marine Drugs Development] SBE UISC presents our upcoming event, a guest lecture …