

Doctorate Vision & Mission

“To become a Doctoral Study Program that produces innovations in the field of Aquatic Product Science and Technology to support the field of tropical marine fisheries through education, research and community service activities of international repute.”

  • Organizing a doctoral program in the field of science and technology of tropical waters to produce human resources who are ready to shape themselves into professional, independent and noble character;
  • Develop science and technology as well as art in the field of exploration of raw materials and new products from sustainable tropical waters biological resources through innovative research, applicable as a basis for human resource development;
  • Develop appropriate technology for aquatic products to improve community welfare;
  • Strengthening cooperation with all national and international stakeholders (researchers, lecturers, professional associations, practitioners, industry, students).

Doctorate Competence of graduates

  • Able to develop new knowledge, technology, and or art in their scientific field or professional practice through research, to produce creative, original, and tested works;
  • Able to solve science, technology, and or art problems in their scientific field through inter, multi, or transdisciplinary approaches;
  • Able to manage research and development that is beneficial to society and science, and is able to gain national and international recognition.



Daftar Mata Kuliah Wajib SPs (5 SKS)

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
PPS500 Bahasa Inggris untuk Magister 3 SKS
PPS702 Falsafah Sains 2 SKS

Daftar Mata Kuliah Wajib Program Studi (2 SKS)

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
THP703 Ilmu dan Teknologi Produk Perairan Bernilai Tambah 2 SKS

Daftar Tugas Akhir (27 SKS)

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
THP701 Kolokium 1 SKS
THP704 Ujian Kualifikasi Tertulis 1 SKS
THP705 Ujian Kualifikasi Lisan 2 SKS
THP706 Proposal Disertasi 3 SKS
THP707 Publikasi Nasional 2 SKS
THP708 Publikasi Internasional 3 SKS
THP709 Ujian Tertutup 2 SKS
THP799 Disertasi 12 SKS
THP790 Seminar 1 SKS

Daftar Mata Kuliah Wajib Pilihan (9 SKS)

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 1 3 SKS
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 2 3 SKS
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 3 3 SKS

Daftar Mata Kuliah Pilihan Tersedia (21 SKS)

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
THP717 Karakteristik Fisik dan Kimia Hasil Perairan 3 SKS
THP718 Enzim dalam Fisiologi Pascapanen Hasil Perairan 3 SKS
THP719 Biomolekular Protein Hasil Perairan 3 SKS
THP726 Biomaterial Aktif Hasil Perairan 3 SKS
THP727 Sistem Penghantaran Bahan Aktif Hasil Perairan 3 SKS
THP737 Ilmu dan Teknologi Formulasi Sediaan Hasil Perairan 3 SKS
THP738 Biorefineri Rumput Laut 3 SKS