IPB Breaks World Record
IPB Breaks World Record for Seven Unique Mosaic Formations
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) has successfully broken the world record for formation or “The Most Mosaic Picture Formation”, Tuesday (30/8) at the IPB Darmaga Campus. The breaking of the world record for “The Most Mosaic Picture Formation” with the fastest transition formation of 42 seconds and the largest number of formations of seven formations was obtained from the Record Holder Republic (RHR) Registry of Official World Records. The formation of this formation involved 6,052 new undergraduate (S1) and diploma students of IPB using asturo paper, duplex cardboard and banners. RHR is the world record-giving body from England. RHR representatives revealed that the requirements for getting this record are unique formations that are difficult to break.
The seven formations were in the form of the words “Agriculture is My Spirit”, a picture of rice with a banner that said 3S Rice, a superior rice variety discovered by IPB researchers, the words “IPB is My Pride”, the IPB Logo, the words “Let’s Make It Happen”, a picture of Indonesia with a banner that said “Real Work”, a satellite image of IPB’s eight with a banner of our dedication to Indonesia.
The Head of the Committee for the Campus Introduction Period for New Students (MPKMB) Batch 53 of the IPB Undergraduate Program, Qudsy Ainul Fawaid, said that breaking this record was a proud achievement because it managed to break an international record. “In addition, this is also the first MPKMB that combines IPB’s S1 and Diploma Program students so that it is more lively,” he said.
IPB Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto in his speech expressed his pride in the new students and the Committee of MPKMB Batch 53 IPB. “This proves that with hard work all things can be realized,” said the Rector of IPB. Also present on the occasion were the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yonny Koesmaryono, MS, Director of Student Affairs of IPB, Dr.Ir. Sugeng Santoso, M.Agr, Director of Diploma Program of IPB, Dr. Bagus Purwanto, Deans, Vice Deans and other officials. The event was closed with the presentation of certificates from RHR to the Rector of IPB and BEM KM IPB. Next, a group photo was taken and the IPB hymn and the MPKMB 53 jingle were sung.