Lecturers Serving Innovation 2023: Improving Human Resources at SKB 17 Jakarta through the Application of Innovation and Sustainable Fishery Product Processing Technology

Lecturers Serving Innovation 2023: Improving Human Resources at SKB 17 Jakarta through the Application of Innovation and Sustainable Fishery Product Processing Technology

“This activity aims to provide knowledge and improve human resources (students) in using fishery resources through the innovations provided,” said Prof. Nurjanah. SKB 17 is located in two places, namely Tanjung Priok and Penjaringan, North Jakarta, which are coastal areas. Before and after the presentation by the resource person, participants were given a pre-test and post-test on the materials presented. The enthusiasm of the participants was evident from their activeness in asking questions.

The Learning Activity Center (SKB) 17 also provided full support for the IPB University Lecturers Serving Innovation activity. On that occasion, participants also received merchandise in the form of innovative products from Prof. Nurjanah and her team. The innovations include “Wedlyn” a cosmetic product made from seaweed, “Garam Gamy” low-sodium salt from seaweed, “SEAKO” Latte drink with seaweed salt, “SEABID” body scrub from seaweed salt residue. These products have been produced by startups fostered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurjanah, MS, namely PT Rumah Kelput Laut and PT Akuanutrindo Sukses Makmur (Gamy Bahari). Innovative products from students of Aquatic Product Technology (THP) FPIK IPB University were also provided, namely “Seacolek” (chili sauce with raw materials from aquatic products and seaweed salt), “Seabumbu” (flavoring made from Spirulina and petek fish), and ” Heroik” bread (bread with added smoked fish).


“This activity aims to provide knowledge and improve human resources (students) in utilizing fishery resources through the innovations provided,” said Prof. Nurjanah. SKB 17 is located in two places, namely Tanjung Priok and Penjaringan, North Jakarta, which are coastal areas. Before and after the presentation by the resource person, participants were given a pre-test and post-test on the materials presented. The enthusiasm of the participants was evident from their activeness in asking questions.

The Learning Activity Center (SKB) 17 also provided full support for the IPB University Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi activity. On that occasion, participants also received merchandise in the form of innovative products from Prof. Nurjanah and her team. The innovations include “Wedlyn” a cosmetic product made from seaweed, “Garam Gamy” low-sodium salt from seaweed, “SEAKO” Latte drink with seaweed salt, “SEABID” body scrub from seaweed salt residue. These products have been produced by startups fostered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurjanah, MS, namely PT Rumah Rumput Laut and PT Akuanutrindo Sukses Makmur (Gamy Bahari). Innovative products from students of Aquatic Product Technology (THP) FPIK IPB University were also provided, namely “Seacolek” (sambal with raw materials from aquatic products and seaweed salt), “Seabumbu” (flavoring made from Spirulina and petek fish), and “Heroik” bread (bread with added smoked fish).