Love Fishery Products with GEMPITA

Love Fishery Products with GEMPITA

Love Fishery Products with GEMPITA – The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) continues to socialize the program to love eating fish with the aim of increasing fish consumption in the community. Indonesia still has a low level of fish consumption so that the target is not achieved. Indonesia’s fish consumption rate is targeted to reach 62.05 kg/capita in 2024. The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) reported that the national fish consumption figure in 2020 was 56.39 kg/capita. This figure is 3.47% higher than the 2019 data which was around 54.5 kg/capita. Fish processing is also expected to be able to increase this consumption rate while providing new opportunities for business and employment for the community. The continued increase in fish consumption aims to prevent stunting while maintaining the nation’s competitiveness in the future.

The processing unit at P2MKP Bina Sejahtera has experienced increasing business development statistics, but the Covid-19 pandemic since 2019 has hampered product sales due to limited interaction with consumers. The business group has promoted a program of 100 fish carts to expand branches in the near future. The long-term plan of P2MKP Bina Sejahtera is to innovate and penetrate the modern market. P2MKP Bina Sejahtera has had an online store since 2017, but the status of the online store is still not sustainable and only accepts orders with a pre-order system.

This activity is one of Himasilkan’s work programs. The name of this activity is GEMPITA or an abbreviation of the Smart Community Movement and Love for Fishery Products. This activity consists of two sub-activities, namely, GEMAIK (Fish Eating Movement) and Village Socialization. The theme of this activity is “Potential for Fish Processing to Increase Community Immunity and Toddler Nutrition”

The event was opened with remarks by the head of the THP department, followed by a presentation of promotional material for ‘Gemar Makan Ikan’ accompanied by a product processing demonstration. The next day, April 10, 2022, the activity continued with educational material on fish processing. The activity was carried out again on April 16, 2022 with material on processing sustainable harvest results. Socialization was carried out again the day after, April 17, 2022, with packaging training material for members of LKP Bina Sejahtera.

The last activity and the closing of the series of activities was carried out on April 23 carrying out Marketing and Sales training. The activity went well due to good cooperation and communication between members and coordination with village stakeholders that did not encounter many obstacles. Participants are expected to be able to take advantage and enrich their soft skills after participating in this series of activities to take part in increasing fish consumption rates in the community and become provisions for developing the ongoing fisheries processing business. GEMPITA is implemented with the hope of creating an independent and prosperous society with fishery products.