Profile of THP Young Lecturer

Profile of THP Young Lecturer

Here is a brief profile of 4 young lecturers of the THP Department, FPIK IPB.

  • Safrina Dyah Hardiningtyas (Tyas)

Tyas graduated from THP in 2009 (THP 42) and worked as a researcher at the Surfactant and Bioenergy Research Center (SBRC), then in 2013 graduated as the best graduate of the IPB master’s level, and in 2014 Tyas was accepted as a young lecturer in the Aquatic Product Biotechnology Division of the THP Department, FPIK IPB. In 2015 Tyas received a Japanese government scholarship to continue her education in the Doctor of Engineering in Applied Chemistry program at Kyushu University, Japan.

  • Roni Nugraha (Roni)

Roni joined the young staff of THP in 2009. Roni is a Master of Science graduate from Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan.

In 2012-2104 Roni received a research grant and became a Researcher at Linköpings Universitet Materiell Fysik: Linköping, Sweden, and studied a lot about the role of marine resources and their bioactive components as antifouling.

Currently Roni is continuing his Ph.D education at James Cook University, Australia. Roni is studying a lot about Proteomics, Gene identification and immunology – allergy of molluscs and other fishery products.

  • Asadatun Abdullah (Sasa)

Joined as a teaching staff since 2005. Sasa obtained two Masters degrees, namely from the University of Indonesia and in the field of Biotechnology at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)

Furthermore, Sasa succeeded in obtaining a S3 scholarship from DAAD, and succeeded in obtaining a Dr.rer.nat from the University of Kiel, Germany in 2014. Currently Sasa is conducting a lot of research and obtaining research grants in the field of DNA Barcoding for Authentication of Fishery Products.

  • Wahyu Ramadhan,

Is the youngest lecturer at THP IPB at the moment, earning his bachelor’s degree in 2010 (THP 43). After graduating, Wahyu worked as a food quality auditor in several large companies in Jakarta, besides that Wahyu also became an expert staff in several Ministries, such as the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia.

In 2011 Wahyu received a Candidate Lecturer scholarship from DIKTI, and in 2012 he again received a research grant from LPDP and became the first batch of recipients of the scholarship. In 2013 he successfully graduated from the IPB postgraduate program with a cumulative grade point average of 4.0 and at the same time received an assignment from DIKTI as an intern lecturer in the THP Department, FPIK IPB.

Wahyu started becoming a teaching staff (CPNS) for the THP Department in 2015 and was just inaugurated by the Rector of IPB as a civil servant under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education on April 5, 2017. For your information, Wahyu is the best graduate of the Kemenristekdikti Pre-Service Training, which was attended by more than 300 participants from various universities in Indonesia.

Thus the profile of 4 young lecturers of THP IPB (born after 1980), who are currently a hot topic in FPIK.