Summer Course 2019

Summer Course 2019

Indigenous Fish Processing Technology, Exotic Knowledge for students

The Department of Aquatic Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB has held a Summer Course program with the topic of Indigenous Fish Processing in Asia on 15-20 July 2019. This activity was attended by 14 students from 5 universities, consisting of USCI University-Malaysia, UPM-Malaysia, UMT-Malaysia, CLSU-Philippines and IPB University. This activity consists of two sessions, namely class sessions and field trips to several traditional fisheries companies in Indramayu Regency.

The teaching team in this activity consists of 8 people, who come from Kasetsart University, Thailand and Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam and IPB University.

The Summer Course on Indigenous Fish Processing in Asia was opened by Dr. Luky Adrianto, Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB. In his speech, Dr. Luky stated that “the topic of this summer course is very interesting, because we can learn the processing of indigenous fishery products from several countries in Southeast Asia”. He also hopes that this activity can initiate cooperation between countries in the field of fisheries, both related to academic activities, staff or student exchanges and research.