THP Masters Student, Dewi Mutamimah Participates in PARE Program in Thailand and Japan

THP Masters Student, Dewi Mutamimah Participates in PARE Program in Thailand and Japan

PARE Program at Kasertsat University, Thailand and Hokkaido University, Japan
Short course and Joint certificate program, March 7- August 31, 2016.

ASEAN countries have experienced rapid economic growth in recent years, resulting in the expansion of middle-class populations and urban housing. This urbanization phenomenon – that is, related to population and activity – is causing depletion of fossil fuels, water and land resources and environmental degradation. This will lead to an increase in the percentage of food shortages and sanitation and nutrition problems especially among the poor. These adverse conditions result in higher mortality rates, which are then offset by higher birth rates and continued population growth. This PARE (Populations-Activities-Resources-Environments) chain greatly affects the global environment, a number of activities that must be implemented are not to make it positive. It should cover both rural and urban areas and cover a wide range of sectors including forest conservation and development, waste management, biomass utilization, transportation, renewable energy promotion and energy conservation.
Seven (7) universities in Indonesia, Japan and Thailand formed the PARE consortium and initiated a joint education program, called the Graduate Program for Fostering Frontiers of Practical Solutions in the Population-Activities-Resources-Environments (PARE) Chain (“PARE Program”) to produce leaders and create networks to address these issues. With this program, it is expected to foster human resources with four requirements: Capacity in Research, Cross-Cultural Ability, Frontier Spirit and Competence in Problem Solving that are essential for practical resolutions in the PARE chain.

Hokkaido University, Japan has initiated with 6 universities in ASEAN to create a collaboration funded by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Science, Japan). The six universities that are partners in this activity are (1) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), (2) Chulalongkorn University (CU), (3) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), (4) Kasetsart University (KU), (5) Thammasat University (TU), and (6) Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

Summary of Activities
The PARE program activities are implemented in 2 forms, namely Short course (spring school) and Joint certificate. Spring school held at Kasertsart University, Thailand for 2 weeks on March 7-22, 2016 with the theme Sustainable Use and Management of Land, water, food and energy. Students get the opportunity to learn about natural resources and water resource management in Thailand. Students visit the Mae Klong River, Srinagarind Dam, Erawan Falls, Khwae Yai River, Mae Klong Dam, Regional Irrigation Office and so on. This program is designed for an adequate interaction forum between students and also between students and lecturers. Delegates from the Bogor Agricultural Institute of Indonesia, namely Dewi Mutamimah from the Aquatic Product Technology study program, Agus Wahyudi from Marine Science and Nafisa Eka Puteri from Food Science.
The Joint certificate program is held at Hokkaido University, Japan for approximately 1 semester to study issues related to various academic fields. Activities during 1 semester are learning about related fields, learning Japanese and also conducting research related to this PARE program. In addition, other activities organized by Hokkaido University such as Training Course on the Oshoromaru Ship. In the Training Course activity, we were introduced to the Oshoromaru ship, and many more such as learning about how to fish, squid, and catch plankton. In addition to on-campus activities, there are other activities organized by off-campus agencies. The activity is to conduct a 2-day Camp organized by the Onuma seminar house. This activity is attended by students from various universities and countries who are in Hokkaido, Japan. In these 2 days, we do many activities, including fishing, camping, making dinner with local people, BBQ and also sports competitions for each country.