THP Students Win 3rd Place in the 2016 Tanoto Research Student Award at IPB Level
Students of Aquatic Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University once again showed their achievements. The team consisting of Rika Lestari (C34110014), Mina Marlina (C34110016), Nur Magfiroh Apriliani Tunggal Dewi (C34110020), and Eka Razak Kurniawan (C34110055). The research entitled “Branched Chain Amino Acid Sport Drink with Bioactive Peptide Fortification of Freshwater Fish Protein Hydrolysate”. Successfully won third place in the Tanoto Student Research Award 2016 at IPB level after defeating 20 other teams that passed the selection and were invited to present.
The group that passed the selection numbered 20 groups and were invited to present on Tuesday (19/1). The presentation assessment was carried out directly by a team of judges (3 people). “The assessment of this presentation is not much different from PIMNAS but on the IPB scale, all the participating teams are cool and their research is very innovative,” said Rika.
Rika et al. managed to win 3rd place in this activity and had the opportunity to represent IPB at the 2016 Tanoto Foundation Research Student Awards at the National level against UI, Unsoed, and Unhas.
The presentation delivered by Rika et al. was the result of PKM-P in 2015 entitled ‘Research Branched Chain Amino Acid Sport Drink with Bioactive Peptide Fortification of Freshwater Fish Protein Hydrolysate’ which was funded by DIKTI and PIMNAS. “This research still has the same theme, which is about sports drinks. However, we updated the method used for BCAA extraction, which is using the principle of enzymatic protein hydrolysis,” said Rika.
This research explains the formulation of making sports drinks from Tilapia fish. The research phase begins with the hydrolysis of tilapia protein to obtain amino acids, especially BCAA (branched chain amino acid). The drink made is designed to meet the needs of amino acids lost during intensive physical activity so that it can reduce the risk of muscle degradation and fatigue after intensive physical activity.