Zanzibar Visit to THP

Zanzibar Visit to THP

On February 18, 2018, the THP Department received a visit from Zanzibar. Zanzibar is an archipelago on the east coast of Africa, which is part of Tanzania. The agenda of this visit was to follow up on the Summer Course activities held by THP as well as to develop the seaweed industry in Zanzibar (ZSTC-Tanzania).

The visit was welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB, Dr. Luky Adrianto. In addition to developing the seaweed industry, this visit also aims to obtain an overview of Human Resource Development for Zanzibar, especially to take a formal degree at the Department of Aquatic Product Technology, IPB, including information on taking Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees including the length of study and tuition fees.

The team consists of
1. Mr. Juma Ali Juma, Principal Secretary-Ministry of Trade and Industry
2. Dr. Said Seif Mzee, Managing Director, ZSTC
3. Dr. Abdulhamid Idrisa Haji, Director general of SMIDA
4.Mr. Ali Hilal Vuai, ZSTC Corporate Secretary