Seaweed Rice Prevents Diabetes with Persada Purnawira Halim in Jakarta

Seaweed Rice Prevents Diabetes with Persada Purnawira Halim in Jakarta

Prof. Sri Purwaningsih at Executive Club Persada Purnawira Halim, Jakarta

The pre-diabetes program with seaweed rice is a series of activities carried out by Prof. Sri Purwaningsih with Persada Purnawira Halim Executive Club. This activity is part of the store’s matching fund. During 2021, Prof Sri conducted a series of research and production of seaweed rice. This product was also the concern of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries at the 2021 FPIK Anniversary event. The seaweed rice product has gone through the test phase on animal models through other research activities.

GRAC SEA seaweed rice production in collaboration with PT Golden Anugrah Sejahtera. The clinical trial was in collaboration with the Semboja Posyandu, East Bogor, the Prodia clinic, and the Persada Purnawira Halim Executive Club. Continuous production guarantees the income of seaweed farmers in Karawang, West Java. This activity has also produced many scientific publications, patents and student graduates

Seaweed rice is useful for treating hypertension and diabetes (SDG 3). Currently, the product has entered the industrialization stage (SDG 9), advancing the welfare of seaweed farmers in Karawang, West Java (SDG 10) and participating in the utilization of marine resources to prevent pollution such as algae blooming (SDG 14).