THP IPB Students Create Natural Facial Toner From Collagen And Chitosan
Bogor, Nowadays, women use cosmetics to beautify themselves. Women are often compared to cosmetics like two sides of a coin that cannot be separated.
The development of cosmetic products on the market is very rapid following today’s new trends. Various types of cosmetics have emerged that can be chosen by women.
One of the cosmetics commonly used by women is toner or skin freshener. Toner is usually used to remove dirt left on the face and also shrink skin pores. Unfortunately, toners on the market generally use chemicals.
This can trigger new skin problems. On this basis, Rika Damayanti, a student of the Department of Aquatic Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University (FPIK IPB) was moved to conduct research on how to formulate facial freshener toner from natural ingredients of collagen and chitosan.
The research entitled ‘Characterization of Facial Freshener Toner based on Gamma Sea Cucumber Collagen (Stichopus variegatus) and Chitosan’ was under the guidance of Dr. Dra. Pipih Suptijah, MBA and Dr. Kustiariyah Tarman, S.Pi, M.Si.
The woman who is familiarly called Rika uses natural collagen and chitosan ingredients sourced from aquatic biota.
“The collagen content in sea cucumbers can reach 70 percent of the total protein in sea cucumbers. Meanwhile, chitosan is very good for use in cosmetics because it is biocompatible and biodegradable,” said Rika.